Dexter Simpson
Lapel Pins
Fridge Magnets
Other & Novelty Items
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You name it, Simpson Specialties can get it got you.


Contact Simpson Specialties for all you pronotional needs. Here are some ideas of the thousands of products available:

Team, college, league, leather and leather melton jackets. Baseball uniform tops and or bottoms. Basic and league style T's.

Embroidered crests and badges. Police and fire department flashes.

Awards, ribbons and rosettes for schools, dog, cat and horse shows and for fairs and expositions.

Lanyards available for keys and sunglass holders and what you want to have held around your neck. Printed with your message or company logo in a varity of colours.

Imprinted golf balls and tees.

Imprinted mugs, glasses, porcelain plates or mouse pads.

The list just never ends!!! Just like our service to you, our client. No job too small or large, we take the time to help you with your product decisions. Personalized service is what makes Simpons Specialties "special".

Simpson Specialties
2623 Tempo Drive
Kemptville, Ontario
K0G 1J0
Tel: 613-258-5294 or 1-888-816-7766
Fax: 1-888-513-6280